Do you want a beautiful calendar to print 2022?

calendario para imprimir 2022

A new year is coming and of course, we are going to need a good calendar to print 2022 so that you can take into account all your special dates.

In this article you will be able to download not only a 2022 calendar to print pdf but several so that you have different options.

What’s more, you will have a 2022 calendar to print per month and to color, so that the little ones in the house not only have fun coloring but also learn to locate themselves in the days and months of the year.

Printable calendars

Below you can download a series of beautiful calendars that we created for you. This is a gift that will last you all year long and best of all, it is a free printable 2022 calendar.

Download beautiful 2022 calendars to print for free

In this option you can download formal calendars that you can put in your office, in the kitchen, in your room or wherever you need it most.

Download children’s calendar 2022 to print and color

Here you can individually download calendar sheets to print 2022, we do this because:

  • You can request a single month and not the entire calendar
  • It is also a beautiful children’s calendar with coloring figures that children can paint to their liking

Encourage the little ones in the house to color in a beautiful way the children’s calendar that we offer you.

January 2022

Start the first month of the year with all the energy!! Plan your projects and dreams to fulfill and mark the date on which you want to start them on your calendar for the month.

February 2022

At this time your children may already start their school year, so they must learn to locate themselves in time and the calendar is the best way to help them in this task..

March 2022

Women’s Day is a special celebration that is known and celebrated in this month of the year. Take the opportunity with the little ones to paint the calendar of the month and explain a little about the history of this celebration.

April 2022

In some countries, this month is the month of children, so children have special spaces dedicated to them.

May 2022

In most countries of the world, Mother’s Day is celebrated in the month of May. Take advantage of this beautiful celebration so that the children can color the month’s calendar and also do other activities such as a letter or drawing for their mother.

June 2022

In some countries, in this month there is a day dedicated to dad or father’s day. Celebrate this special date with the children by coloring the month’s calendar.

July 2022 and August 2022

This is the holiday season in many countries. Take advantage of free time with your children by coloring the pages of the calendar and planning the times to enjoy the holidays.

September 2022 and October 2022

We do not have specific and special dates in these months that we can mention to you, we can only tell you that each month is ideal to share with children and what better than coloring the calendars.

November 2022

Many families prepare from this month for the Christmas season, where they can start making crafts for December, additionally, some children are also on vacation and can take advantage of their free time doing crafts.

December 2022

The Christmas season is beautiful and much more so for children, so help them mark the important dates of the last month of the year.

Note.  It is possible that some months do not coincide with the celebrations that we mention in your country, nothing happens, it is just that you adapt the calendar sheets to the special dates that you most like.

Download editable calendar

Finally, we offer you a 2022 calendar to print word, that is, a calendar that you can edit in colors, size or add some images.

This option will be very useful for you to customize the calendar according to your tastes and needs.

How much do you know about the calendar?

We like not only to give you the resources to download and print, but also valuable information about the downloadable that we are offering.

In this case, we are going to tell you about some news that you may not know about the calendar.

How did the calendar come about?

In general terms, the emergence of the calendar occurred due to man’s need to represent the passage of time.

Each culture adapted the calendar according to their religious festivities, festivities in general, harvests, seasons and other particularities of each town.

Types of calendars

Currently, there are different types of calendars such as Hebrew, Chinese, Hindu, Buddhist, Persian, Muslim and Gregorian.

The Gregorian calendar is a solar calendar created in 1582 and is the most common and widely used calendar.

We hope you have enjoyed the information and from all these calendar options for 2022 you can choose at least one calendar to print 2022 pdf or word that will help you decorate and locate your appointments and special dates.

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