In this article you will find excellent recommendations to decorate your home and go from a monotonous place where you are only going to sleep to a space where you will hardly want to leave it, because you have to go to work;)
Digital decoration is something very striking since it allows you to make small and large scale changes and modifications when you want, a small scale modification could be the change of an object which carries your inspiration, shape or taste. On the other hand, a large-scale modification would be the change of color, print or background of a wall or floor. The only thing you have to take into account is the budget when making a small or totally radical change. For this reason, here we give you the following types of digital printing that you can use in your home to turn it into a really fantastic space.

Without a doubt, within the decoration business, professionals are increasingly taking risks with customizations of different formats and you could also do it, trying with: textiles, wood, vinyl, cork or metals. Although the beginning of the printing was the wall vinyl, now this technique allows to decorate any type of surface; ! Yes, as you read it! You can decorate doors, windows, walls, glass, cabinets or even fabrics and upholstery. You can practically do whatever you want and better yet highly customizable, which undoubtedly fills you with options and inventiveness, to achieve a totally new environment in the space you live in.
Tips that we must take into account before improving the interior with digital printing
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1. Wallpaper

Wallpaper is one of the most used and important decoration methods for digital printing since these are the basis of what we perceive at first impression, before very old-fashioned backgrounds were used, but thanks to the new way of printing we can have greater choices of patterns, styles and shapes. This system or type of printing is so useful that if we want to print a photo which is very meaningful to us, it is possible to do so, imagine being able to change that old and simple background on your desktop, with a collage of the best moments of your life, of your family, or the subject that inspires you the most to work in a magnificent environment.
below we can see a before and after with digital printing

How to choose the background color?

Not knowing how to combine a color or how it works can lead to results such as not feeling that spark of satisfaction when entering your resting places, this is because although we do not know it, colors have very strong effects on perception. of the environment, size and elegance, colors can also awaken in us all kinds of feelings that generate happiness, joy, tranquility, harmony but be careful that as they can cause us very pleasant feelings they can generate feelings of mistrust, fear, insecurity in you and in the people who enter these places. Here we share some color options to use with their respective explanation.
The color white could be said to be one of the colors most used when choosing backgrounds, whether in furniture, ceilings or walls. This color can give us a perception of the space that is brighter and more spacious, it can also reach us to produce a sensation of freshness, purity and the most important thing is that this color can be combined with other colors generating greater creativity and styles.
Gray: this color is one of those that represents more sophistication, it generates an elegance when playing with its dark or light tones. At the same time it also generates a warm space compared to the white color, another great difference of this color is that we cannot abuse when we are going to combine with other colors since it is dominant and if we combine with a very strong color we could generate a very strong result. baffling.
The color black is a color that we do not see very frequently as a background for walls, or covering the entirety of a space, however with a good combination the color gives a lot of elegance, strength, power and modernism. black can help us to gain a wider depth perception, but be very careful because if you abuse it we can generate a heavy and unreliable environment.The correct and recommended way to combine this color would be to use it with more vivid colors or having it in the background but in small quantities, in the same way we must remember that everything in excess is bad and more when we are talking about the decoration of our homes, a recommendation that has given magnificent results is to combine the white color with the black color generating a balanced space and Elegant.
The color red inspires energy, a warm space, lit but it must be handled with too much moderation since it is a very fiery color that can generate a type of nonconformity or mistrust in the space, it also gives us a less broad vision of space such as color black so we recommend using it very sparingly and combining it with strong colors but not as bright as he is.
The color blue can give us different perceptions depending on its tonality, as an example a sky blue is a color that generates freshness, tranquility, calm. Contrary to a shade of dark blue, it can create a safe and trustworthy space. To give us an idea of how we can combine it, it is only to see that when blue has a light hue, it is easier to interact with other colors, something that does not happen so easily when having a much darker hue.
If you are a nature lover, this is the ideal or recommended color for you. Since you can bring the outside world to the comfort of your home. Green is one of the colors that give us a better perception of freedom and vitality.One of the great recommendations if you want to use this color on a wall is to do it with a theme such as if we want to make an excellent living area, we recommend using prints that thanks to the great variety and quality that digital printing gives us we achieve the desired objective and even more.
2. Digital printing on wood

Digital printing on wood has been changing its market since 2017, the year where it began its development and that little by little has become a trend, thanks to the fact that with the technique and the giant steps of digital printing we can have surprising results.
Without this support of technology it would be very difficult to achieve such amazing results, as this leads to extensive manual work required. We can also generate new pieces of art such as paintings, frames, doors, and any wooden object that we want to modify. Digital printing on wood has helped both the development of decoration and the reuse of objects such as an old table but which we would not want to get rid of where we can reuse it just by changing its color and pattern, giving us as a result a new vision of the table and that contributes to our decoration.
3. Upholstery

digital printing and upholstery have become a perfect combination, thanks to this we no longer have to buy the same expensive and common fabrics that everyone has, now we can order fabrics or prints to our liking where we ourselves can be the designers and what is better thanks to the variety of fabrics is something very affordable. The combinations are endless, just make use of digital printing and voila we could have the curtains with the pattern that we have always wanted, cushions, upholstery for chairs and even the cover of our bed.
Digital printing not only offers us the ability to choose the design, it also gives us the highest quality in contrast and colors in the finished product.
4. Digital printing and decoration for glass and mirrors

When we hear about decorated glass, we imagine going to the glass shop and buying a cut glass, but in reality with digital printing it is different, since it has the ability to print more than 2,000 transparent or covering colors on a glass that is to say many types of patterns and colors. This type of technology and quality can make the print anti-scratch which is very necessary if by chance we have small children or we like to keep everything in its best condition, waterproof, we can also make great decorations such as that of decorate the glass in our room by adding a thematic print of the city, a landscape, figures or whatever you have in mind.
5. Tiles or ceramics

In a matter of floors or tiles with this new digital printing technology we go from vinyl to 3D or ultra quality prints where it can be printed directly on the tile thus achieving new printing opportunities, when we talk about digital printing and ceramics we should not Limiting ourselves when thinking about only floors, we must think that with this new form of printing and decoration we can decorate bathrooms, rooms and even a mural to our liking with different themes of art, landscapes, nature! magnificent true, that is why every day digital printing becomes more affordable and fun to use.